04 December, 2010

Working on Rose Tyler/ Billie Piper from Doctor Who...... I though the Doctor looked a bit lonely so he needed a companion..... let me know what you think needs to be changed.


Anonymous said...

This is brilliant! The best I've seen so far. When do you think you'll release this for download? :)

Spacerox said...

She looks really good so far. The cheeks should perhaps be a touch fuller and the chin a smidge pointier, if it's possible (I understand that the sliders in game are limited, so there may not be much you could do) but she has a slightly more heart-shaped face than you have given her, but the other facial proportions look really good, I do hope you'll eventually share.

Jin-Ah said...

Thanks Guys, but I'm sorry to report this verison of Rose was lost when I had to re-install my game.... I will try to remake her eventually, but I'm working on some other stuff right now.