Highland Warrior
Adventerous, Athletic, Brave, Disciplined, Flirty
Lifetime Wish: Physical Perfection
Favorites: Stu Surprise, Egyptian, Spice Brown

Custom Content:
Jonha's sliders for body shape: Here
Ahmads' Sliders for Face: Here
Chin to Neckline Sliders: Here
Chin Cleft Slider by Tum Tum: Here
Eyes: default replacements from Club Crimsyn called Multi-colored default replacement eyes: Here
Non Default skintone replacements/Rez Delnava's UI Mod: Here
Peggy's skin: Here
AwesomeMod (or other slider hack): Here
Eyebrows by Subaxi: Here
EA Content
Need World Adventures and Ambitions EP's for clothing
Kilt: Sims 3 Store Content Here
MediaFire: Download
Mmm, lovely. Definately going in my game :)
OOOh, he looks so rugged!
I Love the Sim and the theme but where did you get outfit #2?
Outfit #2 came from the Ambitions EP. To access it on your own you need to use "Testingcheatsenabled True" and then "Unlockoutifts on". Shows all the hidden clothes from time traveling.
Thank YOU! I hadn't tried that yet!
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